Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Journey

I am interested in taking a musical journey. I love music and listen to and create much of my own. The type of musical journey that I am interested in taking would involve joining a band, traveling and performing with them, and meeting a lot of cool people. Through an experience like this, I would learn a lot about music, and a lot about traveling and performing live, two things that I don't have as much experience in as I'd like. The type of band that I want to be a part of would play funk, jazz, and R&B. These are my favorite types of music because they are very fun, as well as challenging for an alto saxophone player to play. Being part of a band like this would be a very interesting experience because it would allow me to meet many other people who share my interests. I practice saxophone and piano a lot so that some day I might have the opportunity of being accepted into a band where I could meet people, have a bunch of interesting experiences, become far more competent as a musician, and most of all, become involved in the type of music that I listen to.

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