Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Morning is my favorite time of day. Unlike the rest of the day, morning is very peaceful. I prefer to wake up early, and enjoy it for as long as I can without losing too much sleep. It is a peaceful time for me because I have nothing I usually have to do, and nobody to talk to, nobody to do tasks for, and nothing to distract me from reading, or doing whatever else I prefer. Cold winter mornings are especially pleasant. I love to get a good book, curl up under the thick wool afghan that my grandma knit for me, and just read. No distractions. Nothing to think about except what I'm reading. This is usually the way I start my days. By getting up early and spending time doing something that I really enjoy, I am able to prepare myself for the day ahead, and ensure that during the course of the day I have a good time and am relaxed. I sometimes have a hard time getting out of bed; especially on those really cold, snowy mornings that I love. But the nice thing is, that on those mornings when it's hardest to get out of bed, I'm always happiest I do, because those are the mornings that are the coziest, and those are the mornings when I really feel like my day has gotten off on a good foot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, another morning person! I like the early morning, too. I enjoy the peaceful time before the rat race begins. Like you, a good quiet morning makes me feel like I can handle anything else during the day. If I don't get that morning quiet, reflective time, I feel rushed all day long. Most teen-agers don't understand that; they'd rather sleep. Good for you!